quarta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2007

Discografía: King Crimson de 1969 à 1995

In the Court of the Crimson King

Tamanho: 73.1MB
Bitch Rate: Variável - Acima de 500Kbps

Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JFQ45RLH

In the Wake of Poseidon

  1. "Peace – A Beginning" (Fripp/Sinfield) 0:49
  2. "Pictures of a City" (Fripp/Sinfield) 8:03, including:
    • 42nd at treadmill
  3. "Cadence and Cascade" (Fripp/Sinfield) 4:27
  4. "In the Wake of Poseidon" (Fripp/Sinfield) 7:56, including:
    • Libra's Theme
  5. "Peace – A Theme" (Fripp) 1:15
  6. "Cat Food" (Fripp/Sinfield/McDonald) 4:54
  7. "The Devil's Triangle" 11:39, including:
    • "Merday Morn"
    • "Hand of Sceiron"
    • "Garden of Worm"
  8. "Peace – An End" (Fripp/Sinfield) 1:53
Tamanho: 36.8MB
Bitch Rate: 128Kbps

Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JAANBHML


Tamanho: 59.9MB
Bitch Rate: 160Kbps

Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GZ9V9DF8


  1. "Formentera Lady" (Robert Fripp, Peter Sinfield) - 10:14
  2. "Sailor's Tale" (Fripp) - 7:21
  3. "The Letters" (Fripp, Sinfield) - 4:26
  4. "Ladies of the Road" (Fripp, Sinfield) - 5:28
  5. "Prelude: Song of the Gulls" (Fripp) - 4:14
  6. "Islands" (Fripp, Sinfield) - 11:51
Tamanho: 50.9MB
Bitch Rate: 160Kbps

Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CXO6BMJA

Larks' Tongues in Aspic

Tamanho: 53.3MB
Bitch Rate: 160Kbps

Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IGIRSRQW

Starless and Bible Black

  1. "The Great Deceiver" (John Wetton, Robert Fripp, Richard Palmer-James) – 4:02
  2. "Lament" (Fripp, Wetton, Palmer-James) – 4:00
  3. "We'll Let You Know" (David Cross, Fripp, Wetton, William Bruford) – 3:46
  4. "The Night Watch" (Fripp, Wetton, Palmer-James) – 4:37
  5. "Trio" (Cross, Fripp, Wetton, Bruford) – 5:41
  6. "The Mincer" (Cross, Fripp, Wetton, Bruford, Palmer-James) – 4:10
  7. "Starless and Bible Black" (Cross, Fripp, Wetton, Bruford) – 9:11
  8. "Fracture" (Fripp) – 11:14

Tamanho: 47.6MB
Bitch Rate: 128Kbps

Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=F7SK73GF


Tamanho: 47.5MB
Bitch Rate: 160Kbps

Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=AXQJXKHD


Tamanho: 48.3MB
Bitch Rate: 160Kbps

Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UN3P7GJM


Tamanho: 50.1MB
Bitch Rate: 192Kbps

Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3O0I47WI

Three of a Perfect Pair

Tamanho: 44.1MB
Bitch Rate: 128Kbps e 192Kbps

Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EZWCTGDU


Tamanho: 22.1MB

Bitch Rate: 128Kbps e 192Kbps
Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=90LVBNRJ


Tamanho: 54.1MB
Bitch Rate: Acima de 128Kbps

Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LX31EPHI

terça-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2007

Mysterious Ways...de la fé metalera!

Mas olha só como são as coisas...
Há um tempinho eu tinha baixado os discos do Avalanch, mas infelizmente o álbum Llanto de un Héroe(1999) veio com algumas músicas estragadas.. Este é o primeiro trabalho com a voz única do barrigudinho Victor Garcia (hoje no fantástico Warcry) e traz como tema principal ''costurando'' as canções a história d´El Cid Campeador.
Mui bien, não é que hoje mesmo eu consigo baixá-lo outra vez, com as todas as músicas perfeitíssimas?
Se eu fiquei faceiro? Bá, toma ele aí p'ra vocês também! Baixem e ouçam que vale muito à pena, o disco é metal demais!
Dá uma olhada só em algumas das letras:
Por mi Libertad

Perdida en el tiempo , en un reino, en un lugar
a una aldea
llegaban las fuerzas del mal
los viejos querían huir, huir lejos de allí,
de su hogar
no, no, no.
Pero la juventud, tenía otra opinión
huir lejos sería,
tan solo una ilusión
solo retrasar el final fatal,
su rendición
no, no, no.
Entre la esclavitud o el morir
había que tomar una actitud,
había que decidir.
Y de cada corazón surgió una voz
un grito atronador...
Yo, estoy aquí !
Yo, para luchar !
Yo, para morir !
Por mi libertad !
Se armaron con lo poco, que pudieron encontrar
mujeres, niños, todos,
prepararon el lugar
sabían que no habría paz, ni a donde escapar,
no hay rendición,
no, no,no.
La tropa del mal llegó sin desconfiar
seguros de vencer,
sin batalla presentar.
Pero algo hizo temblar
su corazón
cuando el pueblo atacó...
Yo, estoy aquí !
Yo, para luchar !
Yo, para morir !
Por mi libertad !
Quizás fue suerte...
quizás algo mas...
...pero siempre hay esperanza
para el que lucha por su libertad.
Yo, estoy aquí!
Yo, para luchar!
Yo, para morir!
Por mi libertad!

-Veo amanecer,
siento el mal
invadiendo mi cuerpo.
Lejos puedo ver,
entre niebla,
soldados y acero...
-No intentes huir,no muestres temor,
tu sangre darás con valor.
Huiste hasta aquí
para luchar,
puedes sentir
que tu pueblo volverá
a ser libertad!
La fuerza es tu ley,tu espada tu Dios,
tus hombres caerán con honor.
Recuerda a David: venció a Goliat,
ejércitos contra
tus piedras y tu fe,
hoy vencerás!
Las montañas
y el cielo tu fe moverán.
Santa tierra
por ella hoy debes luchar!
-Veo atardecer,
se oye el cielo rugir
entre fuego.
Siento su poder.
La tormenta hoy será
mi acero...
-No quieres huir no existe el temor,
tendrás que mostrar tu valor.
Llegaste hasta aquí
para luchar,
puedes sentir
que el destino guiará
a tu corazón!
Tus hombres te siguen
hasta el final.
Un mito se hará realidad.
Tu tierra jamás
podrán conquistar.
Ejércitos contra
tus piedras y tu fe,
hoy vencerás!
Las montañas
y el cielo tu fe moverán.
Santa tierra
por ella hoy debes luchar!
Dicen que fue una tormenta, que el cielo se abrió entre nieblas...
Las nubes quisieron ser piedras, y entonces surgió la leyenda...
Y su victoria les unió...
Algo nació en su interior...
Dicen que fue una tormenta,la tierra tembló con fuerza!
Y su victoria les unió...
Algo nació en su interior...
Aquí Estaré (...essa é p'ros velhos metaleros)
Ha pasado tanto tiempo
desde que comencé a andar
por los caminos del sonido
poderoso del metal.
Aún recuerdo a los amigos
que comenzaron cuando yo
uno tras otro cayeron,
perdieron toda ilusión.
Su caída pesó en mi corazón
pero su fuego perdura en mi interior.
Se rindieron, su alma se quebró,
sólo por ellos no me rendiré yo.
Y van pasando los años
y yo aún continuo aquí,
un estandarte olvidado
orgulloso de existir.
Se marcharon mis amigos
y llegaron muchos más,
todo ha ido cambiando
y yo continuo igual.
Ha cambiado la forma de pensar
pero en el fondo todo sigue igual.
Unos llegan y otros se van
pero amigo, yo estaré hasta el final!
Me vaya malo vaya bien
siempre sabrás
que aquí estaré!
Aquí estaré!!!
Negros nubarrones amenazan mi interior
sembrando la eterna duda si estará bien o no.
Que el mundo cambie y yo siga mi ideal.
no hay duda, ninguna,
lo que está bien siempre estará!
Fiel hasta el final, a mi libertad!
O mp3 já vem com as letras inclusas, mas se tu quizeres ver enqüanto baixa, as outras tão AQUI !
53,8 MB.........128kbps (infelizmente, mas tá bem boa mesmo assim)
...e de quebra...

Versões de algumas dessas canções e de outras dos álbuns anteriores, com el cantante atual, Ramón Lage: O álbum Las Ruinas del Edén, de 2004.
66 MB.........128kbps
Também já com as letras!
P'ra ver os outros álbuns do grupo postados no blog, clica AQUI , e dá uma conferida na postagem sobre bandas espanholas!
Aquele abraço, tchau!

sábado, 24 de fevereiro de 2007

Cliff 'em All (1988)

Pessoal, desculpa por mais esse looongo período ausente. E bem que poderia contar alguma história, digamos, emocionante, ou ainda misteriosa, mas o tão simples fato é que estive absorto nos velhos afazeres cotidianos, trivialidades domésticas que me indispunham ao pc...(...além de ter sido premiado com uma epidemia da novíssima geração de trouxan horses...em brasilêro mesmo: me enlinhei na malandragem, mas cada um com seus pobrêma...). Perdón pela casa assim entregue às moscas, sem nem um café ou mate p'ra oferecer p'ras visita, gracias por todos os comentários (êia, seu Toro, valeu pelos links do Cream!) estaremos de volta com tudo já em seguida...

O Brankinho também sumiu, creio que os amigos dele lá de longe devem tê-lo levado outra vez... Sim, ele deve ter ido buscar a discografia do King Crimson lá nos confins do Universo conhecido...Tomara que ele encontre também alguns do Hawkwind ou do Van der Graaf Generator lá pelas nebulosas galáxias...

Enqüanto isso, assistam mais esse aqui, com os meus cumprimentos! Mais um daqueles ''se tu ainda não viu...'': O Cliff 'em All , homenagem que o Metalica prestou ao seu companheiro tombado em batalha, apenas o baixista de rock pesado mais original e inventivo que já pisou neste chão, Sir Clifford Lee Burton. O vídeo saiu em 1988, dois anos depois do acidente que nos levou precocemente esta grande figura, aos 24 anos de idade...é uma retrospectiva com vários momentos de todo o período em que Cliff permanecera com a banda (83-86), e traz seus mais estonteantes solos e performances registrados, em filmagens de diversas qüalidades, entre amadoras e profissionais. Eu já havia postado aqui o vídeo do Cliff tocando com o Trauma, então nada mais justo que colocar agora isso aqui p'ra vocês verem. Clássico, de novo, fazer o quê né?Espero que curtam! Até breve!!!

Algumas informações sobre o vídeo, direto da Wikipédia:

Detroit, April 4, 1986 - "supporting Ozzy"Shot from the left of the stage. VG with closeups.

"Creeping Death"
"Am I Evil?"
"Damage, Inc."

Long Island, April 28, 1986 - "still drunk on Ozzy tour"Shot from ground level above heads, VG with closeups

"Master of Puppets"

The Stone, San Francisco, March 19, 1983 - "Cliff's second gig"Shot just above ground level, VG with closeups

"(Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth"

Germany, September 14, 1985 - "Metal Hammer Fest headlining with Venom, Nazareth, beer!Professionally shot video

"The Four Horsemen"
"Fade to Black"
"Seek & Destroy"

Denmark, July 6, 1986 - "Roskilde Festival with Phil Collins, Eric Clapton, Elvis Costello and Big Country"Shot from ground level, with closeups

"Welcome Home (Sanitarium)"

Oakland, August 31, 1985 - "Day on the Green"

"Cliff Solo"
"For Whom the Bell Tolls"

Chicago, August 12, 1983 - "Supporting Raven on the 'Kill Em All For One' tour"

"No Remorse"
"Metal Militia"

Cliff Burton,Lou Martin [Jim martin's brother] and Dave Donato in a classic 'stoner' moment where they all smoke pot.

Alguns momentos...

Produced by: Curt Marvis, Jeff Richter
Directed by: Jea Pellerin, Doug Freel

697 MB.........192 kbps
688 x 520.........01:30:21

Baixe o filme aqui:

Link da parte 1: http://www.gigasize.com/get.php/440007/Cliffem_All.part1.rar

Link da parte 2: http://www.2xupload.de/file/3e1fbbddfae08cce7c6bf08e8ee43bf0/Cliff

Links da parte 3: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZNOYZDIM ou http://www.gigasize.com/get.php/440105/Cliffem_All.part3.rar

Links da parte 4: http://www.2xupload.de/file/96dd92928cf5582107e4e4127e2daedd/Cliff ou http://www.gigasize.com/get.php/440033/Cliffem_All.part4.rar

(...aquela coisa de sempre, baixem as qüatro partes antes de descompactar...)

Alguns sites-tributo ao Cliff:

Tribute to Cliff...
To Live is To Die...
Cliff in our Minds...
In Memoriam...

Matérias (em inglês) na Bass Player:

If Metallica was metal’s medicine, Cliff Burton was the syringe...
Cliff's Musical Legacy...

Tablaturas, bastante precisas, no super site Bass Masta:


As Armas...

Rickenbacker 4001
Alembic Spoiler
Aria Pro II

Mesa Boogie 4"x12" Cabinets & 1"x15" Cabinets
Ampeg SVT-1540HE Classis Series Enclosure

Morley Power Wah Boost - (usado em Bass Solos & "Seek And Destroy" e "For Whom The Bell Tolls")
Electro Harmonix Big Muff - (usado em "Pulling-Teeth" & "Seek And Destroy" e "For Whom The Bell Tolls")

Curtam essa justa homenagem à um dos maiores MÚSICOS dos nossos tempos...

Áh! Não deixem de conferir sempre o blog do Movimento Evolução! O brother Ricardo Rayol, o Indignado, deixou o convite p'ro novo agito que tá rolando hoje, 26 de fevereiro:

Blogagem coletiva contra a sem-vergonhice!!!

Valeu! Abração!

quinta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2007

Butíléguis (Bootlegs)

Todos os cds da série "A Tree Full of Secrets" do Pink Floyd... divirtam-se com as versões desconhecidas da musicas famosas...

E breve: camiseta Agora é Rock!

Se for baixar, comente antes... é só isso que pedimos! ;)

A árvore revela seus segredos....

Disc 1 - Rarities

(From the sessions for The Piper at the Gates of Dawn and the singles of the time)
  1. Lucy Leave
  2. I'm a King Bee
  3. Let's Roll Another One (Original title for Candy and a Currant Bun, a single b-side released in 1967)
  4. Arnold Layne - acetate
  5. Arnold Layne - mono
  6. Arnold Layne - fake stereo
  7. Candy and a Currant Bun - acetate
  8. Candy and a Currant Bun - mono
  9. Interstellar Overdrive - demo
  10. Interstellar Overdrive - Sound Techniques outtake
  11. Interstellar Overdrive - Abbey Road outtake
  12. Interstellar Overdrive - mono single version
  13. Scarecrow - Abbey Road outtake
  14. Scarecrow - mono
  15. Astronomy Dominé - Abbey Road outtake
  16. See Emily Play - acetate
  17. See Emily Play - mono
  18. See Emily Play - fake stereo
  19. Flaming - mono
  20. Sunshine (Later re-titled Remember A Day)
  21. Silas Lang
  22. Scream Thy Last Scream - mono
Bitch Rate:192Kbps
Tamanho:94.81 MB
Download do Álbum:Rapidshare

Disc 2 - Rarities

(From the sessions for A Saucerful of Secrets and singles of the time)
  1. Scream Thy Last Scream - stereo
  2. Vegetable Man - mono
  3. Vegetable Man - alternate mono
  4. Vegetable Man - stereo
  5. Remember A Day - mono short version
  6. Apples and Oranges - mono
  7. Apples and Oranges - stereo
  8. Paint Box - mono
  9. Paint Box - stereo
  10. Let There Be More Light - mono edit
  11. It Would Be So Nice - mono
  12. It Would Be So Nice - promo edit
  13. It Would Be So Nice - fake stereo
  14. Julia Dream - demo
  15. Julia Dream - mono
  16. Julia Dream - stereo
  17. Point Me at the Sky - mono
  18. Point Me at the Sky - fake stereo
  19. Careful with that Axe, Eugene - mono
Bitch Rate:192Kbps
Tamanho:85.13 MB
Download do Álbum:Rapidshare

Disc 3 - Rarities

(Various outtakes, hidden messages, and rarities from the era including Ummagumma, Atom Heart Mother, and Meddle)
  1. Astronomy Dominé - live short version
  2. Embryo
  3. Biding My Time
  4. "this is pretty avant-garde isn't it" (Speech used on "Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict")
  5. "and the wind cried ... " (Speech)
  6. Moonhead
  7. "here's a loud announcement" (Speech used on "Atom Heart Mother")
  8. "silence in the studio" (Speech)
  9. Green is the Colour - live
  10. Careful with that Axe, Eugene - live short version
  11. Embryo - live short version
  12. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun - live short version
  13. "Relics" radio advert #1
  14. "Relics" radio advert #2
  15. "Meddle" radio advert
  16. One of These Days - demo #1
  17. One of These Days - demo #2
  18. One of These Days - mono edit
  19. Fearless - mono edit
  20. Roger the Hat interview (used in various portions of The Dark Side of the Moon)
Bitch Rate:192Kbps
Tamanho:83.69 MB
Download do Álbum: Rapidshare

Disc 4 - Rarities

(Outtakes and rarities from the sessions for The Dark Side of the Moon)
  1. Breathe - mono
  2. On the Run - outtake
  3. Time - demo
  4. Money - demo
  5. Money - stereo edit
  6. Money - "soft" stereo edit
  7. Money - "soft" mono edit
  8. Money - alternate "soft" mono edit
  9. Us and Them - demo
  10. Us And Them - outtake
  11. Us And Them - stereo edit
  12. Us And Them - mono edit
  13. Brain Damage / Eclipse - demo
  14. Brain Damage - outtake
  15. Brain Damage - outtake
  16. Eclipse - "mysterious ending tiny music" (The inexplicable orchestral version of The Beatles' "Ticket to Ride" that appeared during the end of some pressings of The Dark Side of the Moon. Probably because the Beatles were recording in Abbey Lane at the same time.)
Bitch Rate:192Kbps
Tamanho:82.52 MB
Download do Álbum:Rapidshare

Disc 5 - Rarities

(Outtakes and rarities from the Wish You Were Here sessions)
  1. Merry Xmas Song
  2. Shine On You Crazy Diamond - part 1
  3. Shine on you Crazy Diamond - promo edit
  4. Shine on you Crazy Diamond - 1981 edit
  5. Shine on you Crazy Diamond - UK short version
  6. Shine on you Crazy Diamond - US short version
  7. Shine on you Crazy Diamond - "storm" mix
  8. Shine on you Crazy Diamond - "to the galaxy"
  9. Have a Cigar - short version
  10. Have A Cigar - stereo edit
  11. Have A Cigar - mono edit
Bitch Rate:192Kbps
Tamanho:99.43 MB
Download do Álbum:Rapidshare

Disc 6 - Rarities

(Outtakes and rarities from the sessions for Animals, The Wall, and The Final Cut.)
  1. "Animals" radio advert
  2. Pigs on the Wing - parts 1 & 2
  3. Pigs (Three Different Ones) - short version
  4. The Wall - "loop message" ("Isn't this where... we came in?", heard at at the end of "Outside the Wall" and the beginning of "In the Flesh?" respectively)
  5. Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2 - single version
  6. Another Brick In The Wall part 2 - 1981 single version
  7. Empty Spaces - "backwards message"
  8. Young Lust - single version
  9. One of My Turns - single version
  10. Comfortably Numb - demo
  11. Comfortably Numb - edit
  12. Run Like Hell - single version
  13. Run Like Hell - promo mix
  14. Money - 1981 version (re-recorded for A Collection of Great Dance Songs)
  15. Money - 1981 edit
  16. When the Tigers Broke Free - single version
  17. Bring the Boys Back Home - single version
  18. "The Final Cut" radio avert
  19. Not Now John - obscured version
  20. Not Now John - promo edit
  21. The Hero's Return - parts 1 & 2
Bitch Rate:192Kbps
Tamanho:90.16 MB
Download do Álbum:Rapidshare

Disc 7 - Rarities

(Outtakes and rarities from the sessions for A Momentary Lapse of Reason and The Division Bell)
  1. Learning to Fly - demo
  2. Learning to Fly - edit
  3. The Dogs of War - edit
  4. One Slip - edit
  5. On the Turning Away - edit
  6. The Dogs of War - live
  7. On the Turning Away - live
  8. One Slip - live
  9. Run Like Hell - live
  10. Wearing the Inside Out - LP version
  11. Take It Back - edit
  12. Take it Back - extended
  13. Keep Talking - radio edit
Bitch Rate:192Kbps
Tamanho:91.7 MB
Download do Álbum:Rapidshare

Disc 8 - Rarities

(Rarities from the sessions for The Division Bell and P*U*L*S*E)
  1. Lost for Words - clean version
  2. High Hopes - radio edit
  3. High Hopes - "phone call"
  4. David Gilmour interview
  5. Soundscape (included in casette editions of P*U*L*S*E
  6. Astronomy Dominé - live
  7. One of These Days - live
  8. Wish You Were Here - live edit
  9. Coming Back to Life - live edit
  10. One of These Days - live
Bitch Rate:192Kbps
Tamanho:98.81 MB
Download do Álbum:Rapidshare

Disc 9 - Soundtracks

(All non-album songs created for movies in the era between The Piper at the Gates of Dawn and Music From the Film More)
  1. Interstellar Overdrive ("San Francisco")
  2. Interstellar Overdrive ("Tonight Let's All Make Love In London")
  3. Nick's Boogie
  4. The Committee Pt.1 - backwards version
  5. The Committee Pt.1
  6. The Committee Pt.2
  7. The Committee Pt.3
  8. The Committee Pt.4
  9. The Committee Pt.5
  10. The Committee Pt.6
  11. The Committee Pt.7
  12. The Committee Pt.8
  13. Main Theme - film version
  14. Seabirds
  15. Cymbaline - film version
  16. Hollywood
Bitch Rate:192Kbps
Tamanho:96.83 MB
Download do Álbum:Rapidshare

Disc 10 - Soundtracks

(A collection of songs created for the Zabriskie Point movie soundtrack; has largely been rendered redundant by "The Ultimate Zabriskie Point" bootleg; NB: Actually, "Zabriskie Point: The Sessions" is the most comprehensive ZP collection. It was assembled by the same gentleman who compiled ATFOS)
  1. "More" outtakes
  2. Heart Beat, Pig Meat
  3. Heart Beat, Pig Meat - film version
  4. Crumbling Land
  5. Crumbling Land - extended
  6. Crumbling Land - film version
  7. Come in #51, Your Time is Up
  8. Come in Number 51, Your Time is Up - film version
  9. Love Scene - Version 4
  10. Love Scene - Version 6
  11. Unknown Song
  12. Rain in the Country
  13. Country Song
  14. Oenone
  15. Fingal's Cave
Bitch Rate:192Kbps
Tamanho:138.12 MB
Download do Álbum:Rapidshare

Disc 11 - Soundtracks

(Roger Waters' contributions to Music from "The Body", which appeared on either the official album or in the film, plus ads for the "Live At Pompeii" film, outtakes and rarities from the sessions for Obscured by Clouds, and Roger Waters' soundtrack to "Magritte" and his theme song for "The Hit")
  1. Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Our Song
  2. Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Sea Shell and Stone
  3. Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Sea Shell and Soft Stone
  4. Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Breathe
  5. Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Sea Shell and Stone - film version
  6. Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Sea Shell and Soft Stone - film version
  7. Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Breathe - film version
  8. Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Chain of Life
  9. Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - The Womb Bit
  10. Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Body Transport
  11. Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Give Birth to a Smile
  12. Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Give Birth to a Smile
  13. "Live At Pompeii" radio advert #1
  14. "Live At Pompeii" radio advert #2
  15. "Live At Pompeii" radio advert #3
  16. "Live At Pompeii" radio advert #4
  17. "Live At Pompeii" radio advert #5
  18. "Live At Pompeii" radio advert #6
  19. "Live At Pompeii" radio advert #7
  20. "Live At Pompeii" goofy ad #1
  21. "Live At Pompeii" goofy ad #2
  22. "Live At Pompeii" goofy ad #3
  23. "Live At Pompeii" goofy ad #4
  24. Obscured by Clouds
  25. Free Four - short version
  26. Free Four - film version
  27. Instrumental
  28. Roger Waters - Magritte Pt.1
  29. Roger Waters - Magritte Pt.2
  30. Roger Waters - Magritte Pt.3
  31. Roger Waters - Magritte Pt.4
  32. Roger Waters - Magritte Pt.5
  33. Roger Waters - Magritte Pt.6
  34. Roger Waters - Magritte Pt.7
  35. Roger Waters - Magritte Pt.8
  36. Roger Waters - The Hit
Download do Álbum:Rapidshare

Disc 12 - Soundtracks

(Roger Waters' contributions to the soundtrack for When The Wind Blows and Nick Mason and Rick Fenn's contributions to "White Of The Eye")
  1. Roger Waters - The Russian Missile
  2. Roger Waters - Towers of Faith
  3. Roger Waters - Hilda's Dream
  4. Roger Waters - The American Bomber
  5. Roger Waters - The Anderson Shelter
  6. Roger Waters - The British Submarine
  7. Roger Waters - The Attack
  8. Roger Waters - The Fallout
  9. Roger Waters - Hilda's Hair
  10. Roger Waters - Folded Flags
  11. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.1
  12. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.2
  13. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.3
  14. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.4
  15. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.5
  16. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.6
  17. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.7
  18. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.8
  19. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.9
  20. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.10
  21. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.11
  22. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.12
  23. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.13
  24. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.14
  25. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.15
  26. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.16
  27. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.17
  28. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.18
  29. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.19
  30. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.20
  31. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.21
  32. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.22
  33. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.23
  34. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.24
  35. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.25
  36. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.26
  37. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.27
  38. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.28
  39. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.29
  40. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.30
  41. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.31
  42. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.32
  43. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.33
  44. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.34
Bitch Rate:192Kbps
Tamanho:101.72 MB
Download do Álbum: Rapidshare

Disc 13 - Soundtracks

(Pink Floyd's contributions to the "La Carrera Panamericana" film, plus David Gilmour's contributions to the films of the same names as the songs)
  1. Run Like Hell
  2. Country Theme
  3. Small Theme
  4. Big Theme
  5. Carrera Slow Blues
  6. México '78
  7. Pan Am Shuffle - full length version
  8. David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.1
  9. David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.2
  10. David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.3
  11. David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.4
  12. David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.5
  13. David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.6
  14. David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.7
  15. David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.8
  16. David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.9
  17. David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.10
  18. David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.11
  19. David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.12
  20. David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.13
  21. David Gilmour - The Art of Tripping Pt.1
  22. David Gilmour - The Art of Tripping Pt.2
  23. David Gilmour - The Art of Tripping Pt.3
  24. David Gilmour - The Art of Tripping Pt.4
  25. David Gilmour - The Art of Tripping Pt.5
Bitch Rate:192Kbps
Tamanho:106.44 MB
Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=N08A6UMA

Disc 14 - Soundtracks

(Track one is Roger Waters' contribution to "The Dybbuk from the Holy Apple Field", track two is his contribution to "La Leggenda del Pianista Sull'Oceano", and track three is a rerecording of track two that appeared on the "Legend Of 1900" soundtrack)
  1. Roger Waters - Knocking on Heaven's Door
  2. Roger Waters - Lost Boys Calling
  3. Roger Waters - Lost Boys Calling
  4. David Gilmour - The Colours of Infinity Pt.1
  5. David Gilmour - The Colours of Infinity Pt.2
  6. David Gilmour - The Colours of Infinity Pt.3
  7. David Gilmour - The Colours of Infinity Pt.4
  8. David Gilmour - The Colours of Infinity Pt.5
  9. David Gilmour - The Colours of Infinity Pt.6
  10. David Gilmour - The Colours of Infinity Pt.7
  11. David Gilmour - The Colours of Infinity Pt.8
  12. David Gilmour - The Colours of Infinity Pt.9
  13. David Gilmour - The Colours of Infinity Pt.10
  14. David Gilmour - The Colours of Infinity Pt.11
  15. David Gilmour - The Colours of Infinity Pt.12
  16. David Gilmour - The Colours of Infinity Pt.13
  17. David Gilmour - The Colours of Infinity Pt.14
  18. David Gilmour - The Colours of Infinity Pt.15
  19. David Gilmour - The Colours of Infinity Pt.16
  20. David Gilmour - The Colours of Infinity Pt.17
  21. David Gilmour - The Colours of Infinity Pt.18
  22. David Gilmour - The Colours of Infinity Pt.19
  23. David Gilmour - The Colours of Infinity Pt.20
Bitch Rate:192Kbps
Download do Álbum:BREVE

Disc 15 - Solo Rarities

(The "Joker's Wild" songs on which David Gilmour played, rarities from David Gilmour's sessions for his self-titled album and "About Face", and Roger Waters rarities from the era between The Pros And Cons Of Hitch Hiking and Radio KAOS.)
  1. Jokers Wild - Why Do Fools Fall in Love
  2. Jokers Wild - Walk like a Man
  3. Jokers Wild - Don't Ask Me (What I Say)
  4. Jokers Wild - Big Girls Don't Cry
  5. Jokers Wild - Beautiful Delilah
  6. David Gilmour - There's No Way Out of Here
  7. David Gilmour - There's No Way Out of Here - mono edit
  8. David Gilmour - Like a Rolling Stone
  9. David Gilmour - Blue Light - edit
  10. David Gilmour - Blue Light - vocal version
  11. David Gilmour - Blue Light - instrumental version
  12. Roger Waters - For the First Time Today - parts 1 & 2
  13. Roger Waters - 5:01 am (The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking) - extended
  14. Roger Waters - 5:06 am (Every Strangers' Eyes) - edit
  15. Roger Waters - Across the Universe (The Beatles cover)
  16. Roger Waters - Radio K.A.O.S. - "loop message"
  17. Roger Waters - Radio Waves - edit
  18. Roger Waters - Radio Waves - extended
  19. Roger Waters - Me or Him - demo
Bitch Rate:192Kbps
Tamanho:94.95 MB
Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M4P3RP8P

Disc 16 - Solo Rarities

(Rarities from Roger Waters' sessions for Radio KAOS, "The Wall Live In Berlin", Amused to Death, and a song by Marianne Faithfull which Waters wrote and played synth-bass on.)
  1. Roger Waters - The Fish Report With A Beat
  2. Roger Waters - 4 Minutes - video edit
  3. Roger Waters - The Tide Is Turning (After Live Aid) - video edit
  4. Roger Waters - Going to Live in L.A.
  5. Roger Waters - Back to Radio
  6. Roger Waters - Money - 1987 version
  7. Roger Waters - Molly's Song - live
  8. Roger Waters - Another Brick in the Wall part 2 - 1990 version
  9. Roger Waters - Another Brick in The Wall part 2 - live edit
  10. Roger Waters - Young Lust - live edit
  11. Roger Waters - Run Like Hell - potsdamer mix
  12. Roger Waters - The Tide is Turning - live edit
  13. Roger Waters - What God Wants part 1 - video edit
  14. Roger Waters - Perfect Sense - "backwards message"
  15. Roger Waters - Three Wishes - radio edit
  16. Marianne Faithfull - Incarceration of a Flower Child
Bitch Rate:192Kbps
Tamanho:92.09 MB
Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M9QS7IA2

Disc 17 - Solo Rarities

(A collection of rarities and remixes from Rick Wright's solo work, plus the last track being an extended mix of Nick Mason's "Lie For A Lie".)
  1. Zee - Confusion - single version
  2. Zee - Confusion - extended
  3. Zee - Eyes of a Gypsy
  4. Zee - Eyes of a Gypsy - dub
  5. Rick Wright - Night of a Thousand Furry Toys - inverted gravy mix
  6. Rick Wright - Runaway - r. wright's lemonade mix
  7. Rick Wright - Runaway - leggit dub
  8. Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - Lie for a Lie - extended
Bitch Rate:192Kbps
Tamanho:61.74 MB
Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L4T6B1IB

Disc 18 - Information

(Documents and .nfo files describing the contents of the previous discs. Some versions of the bootleg contain the movie version of "Mother" and a ten-minute mix of songs from "The Wall". There is also a version of this bootleg which contains "Under Construction", the demo tapes for The Wall.)
Bitch Rate:192Kbps
Tamanho:23.51 MB
Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RV52YJ25

quarta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2007

Psycho Doido!!!

Quem havia sugerido p'ra gente Os Catalépticos, tempos atrás, foi também o Klatuu , o bom verdugo (escrever com categoria é com esse cara mesmo...) .
E sabe que ouvindo essa doideira eu me empolguei? Ai, que medo! Toma aí mais umas podrices selecionadas, das melhores safras! Dead Kennedys, The Cramps, dois do Misfits e ...Benedictioooonnn!!!!
Just below...

California Über Alles, ora essa!!!

Taí a polêmica estréia do Dead Kennedys, Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables (1980). Teoria da conspiração, alerta contra ianques nazistas e políticos corruptos citados pelo nome, tudo isso embalado em canções furiosas com títulos singelos como ''Kill the Poor'', "Let's Lynch the Landlord" ou ''Holiday in Cambodia'' elevou a turma do Jello Biafra ao patamar de ''banda mais perigosa do planeta'' na sua época. Release completo AQUI .
43,7 MB.........192kbps
Jello Biafra - lead vocals, artwork
East Bay Ray - guitar, producer
Klaus Flouride - bass, backing vocals
Ted - drums
Áh! Capas de CD's de Punk Rock e Psychobilly: http://www.punkunited.com/newcovers.php Muito bom, vale a visita!

terça-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2007

Permaneça Doente!

Stay Sick (1989), do The Cramps...esse sim é um clássico absoluto...da demência!

45,9 MB.........160kbps

Os Grampos:
Lux Interior: vocals
Poison Ivy: guitar
Nick Knox: drums
Candy Del Mar: bass

...e mais uma caralhada de coisa sobre eles na Net, dá um look AQUI .

Now it's Rock!

Aceitando pedidos, e realizando-os... Comentem!
King Krimson para os meus amigos Marcolin do i-Midia
e Klatuu do Cronicas da Peste

King Crimson II

Larks' tongues in aspic

  1. "Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part One" (D. Cross/R. Fripp/J. Wetton/B. Bruford/J. Muir) – 13:36
  2. "Book of Saturday" (R. Fripp/J. Wetton/R. Palmer-James) – 2:49
  3. "Exiles" (D. Cross/R. Fripp/R. Palmer-James) – 7:40
  4. "Easy Money" (R. Fripp/J. Wetton/R. Palmer-James) – 7:54
  5. "The Talking Drum" (D. Cross/R. Fripp/J. Wetton/B. Bruford/J. Muir) – 7:26
  6. "Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part Two" (R. Fripp) – 7:12
Bitch Rate: 128Kbps
Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LY9IAQR7

Eras Estáticas da Punkadaria

Static Age : esses sons foram gravados em 78, mas a bolacha sá saiu em 97! Na Wikipédia tem a história toda.
72 MB.........320kbps
Glenn Danzig - vocals
Franché Coma - guitar
Jerry Only - bass
Mr. Jim - drums

King Crimson

Bitch Rate:192Kbps
Tamanho: 58.7MB
Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EK4FX9YC

666 - Alguem não tem???

Bitch Rate: 320Kbps
Tamanho: 90MB
Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=43U7NOL2

A Terra dos Desajustados

Earth A.D. (1983), último álbum com Glenn Danzig no vocal.

19,2 MB.........128kbps

Glenn Danzig - vocals
Doyle - guitars
Jerry Only - bass
ROBO - drums
Arthur Googy - drums on "Die, Die My Darling''

Download do Álbum: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=89WTG7U1

Página Oficial : http://www.misfits.com/

Mais coisa sobre eles na Wikipédia !

Benção Maldita

É melhor se benzer antes de ouvir esse...

Que me desculpem os fãs do Death (grande Schuldiner...) e Canibal Corpse, mas se o assunto é podreira, eis a minha banda...

Subconscious Terror (1990), primerão do Benê.
Mark "Barney" Greenway - Vocals
Darren Brookes - Guitars
Peter Rew - Guitars
Paul Adams - Bass
Ian Treacy - Drums

Procuro desesperadamente o ''Transcend the Rubicon''...se houver alguma alma caridosa por aí...

Discogr... ops! Acustumei....

Kiss, Easy Rider Soundtrack, Nirvana e Catalépticos... Esta ultima é uma banda Paranaense de psychobilly, site oficial da banda: http://www.revmweb.com/catalepticos/
Quem pediu??? To com preguiça de procurar.....Comentem!

Providenciando o King Crimson!

à pedidos....

01 Cannibal Holocaust.mp3
02 Gambling With A Demon.mp3
03 Serial Joe.mp3[
04 Closing My Coffin.mp3
05 Henry.mp3
06 Atomic Zombie.mp3
07 Asshole.mp3
08 Hearse Driver.mp3
09 Catalepsia.mp3
10 Demented Sysmptoms.mp3
11 Run From The Nightmare.mp3
12 Death Train.mp3
13 Psychobilly Is All Around.mp3

Bitch Rate: 192Kbps
Tamanho: 52MB
Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BJ9DXAXZ


Bebe da capa com 14 Anos

Montagem encontrada no site Worth1000.com

Bitch Rate: Variável apartir de 500Kbps
Tamanho: 90.8MB
Download do Álbum:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DI1PCO8O